Dolly Alderton

Good Material

epub eBook
ISBN 0241993172
EAN 9780241993170
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin

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'Made me laugh while punching me in the gut. Loved this book' AISLING BEA
'This is the greatest. You'll cry and laugh. I read it though the night. And I never, ever avoid sleep' CLAUDIA WINKLEMAN
'I award it 13/10 on my QWJ scale (stands for Queasy With Jealousy that I didn't write it)' MARIAN KEYES
Every relationship has one beginning.
This one has two endings.
Andy loves Jen. Jen loved Andy.
And he can't work out why she stopped.
Now he is. . .
1. Without a home
2. Waiting for his stand-up career to take off
3. Wondering why everyone else around him seems to have grown up while he wasn't looking
Set adrift on the sea of heartbreak at a time when everything he thought he knew about women, and flat-sharing, and his friendships has transformed beyond recognition, Andy clings to the idea of solving the puzzle of their broken relationship. Because if he can find the answer to that, then maybe Jen can find her way back to him.
Andy still has a lot to learn, not least his ex-girlfriend's side of the story.
From the bestselling author of Ghosts and Everything I Know About Love: a sharply funny, beautifully observed and exquisitely relatable story of heartbreak and friendship, and how to survive both.
'The most book-based fun I had this year ... It's the most I've laughed while reading about heartbreak since Nick Hornby's High Fidelity. A complete delight' The Sunday Times, Critics' favourite books of the year
Sunday Times bestseller, November 2023


Dolly Alderton is an award-winning author, screenwriter and journalist based in London. She is a columnist for the Sunday Times Style magazine and has also written for GQ, Red, Marie Claire and Grazia. She is the former co-host and co-creator of the podcast The High Low. Her first book, Everything I Know About Love, became a top-five Sunday Times bestseller in its first week of publication, won a National Book Award (UK) for Autobiography of the Year and was made into a BBC One TV series. Ghosts, her first novel, was an instant Sunday Times bestseller. Dear Dolly, a collection of her agony aunt columns from the Sunday Times Style magazine, was published in 2022 and was also a Sunday Times bestseller.

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