Don Nieve

The Professor of Love

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223515715
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Don Nieve
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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(A fantastic story about masculine self-esteem, in today's environment... with some psychology, philosophy... and humor.)
A young man is plunged into a terrible depression, due to his recent separation after many years of relationship with his first love. A strange message, which arrives on his laptop, challenges him to embark on a spiritual journey, which will take him to the Himalayan lands... and even beyond.
Written in satirical tone and in first person, the story is peppered with references to the twenties, eighties and nineties, narrating the adventures in which this young man is involved, in order to discover the intimacy and nature of his masculine essence.
In the message he found, the shadow of a dancer with a top hat illustrated the intrusive page, on a red background. And this is what the pirate tab said, in letters of character, form, and sensationalist meaning:
"Professor of the Snows: PROFESSIONAL COACHING in seduction and various amatory techniques. Do you have nothing to lose and everything to gain? Are you ready for a training as hard as that of an elite military? Are you tired of being just a namby-pamby and smiling child that others manipulate and belittle?
If you manage to finish the offered course, you will be a real M.A.L.E. (Magnificent, Absolute, Leader, about Erotic stuff), with a diploma certified by the secret Masonic association of males based in the Himalayas...
Special promotion and discount for the first places!!!! Come now to the Himalayas, and be a loving and fighting machine, be a man.
(After signing the contract and payment in advance, the organization is not responsible for incompatibilities with a normal life that may be caused by the training; such as, night terrors, being subjected to group beatings, severe mental deviation, disinheritance, and premature death by precipitous level changes or internal organic failure in the short or long term)"

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