Dorian Vale


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227571243
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Dorian Vale
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In "Nocturne: The Price of Immortality," Dr. Daniel Kane, a brilliant young physician, is driven by an obsession: to conquer death. After years of research and failed attempts to find a cure for the one thing he cannot control, he stumbles upon an ancient journal hidden in the dusty recesses of an abandoned hospital. The journal, written by an enigmatic figure named Raphaël d'Albret, reveals the forbidden secret to eternal life—immortality.
But as Daniel follows the cryptic instructions within the journal and embarks on a dangerous path, he quickly learns that immortality is not a gift—it is a curse. To survive, he must kill, draining the life force of others to feed his insatiable hunger. Each life he takes brings him closer to madness, and the guilt begins to consume him. Yet, the allure of eternal life is irresistible, and Daniel finds himself torn between the man he was and the monster he's becoming.
Raphaël, who has lived for centuries, becomes both a mentor and a dark reflection of Daniel's future. The older vampire tries to warn him of the eternal cost, but Daniel's desperation blinds him. As he battles the bloodlust that is slowly taking over his humanity, he finds an unlikely ally in Sophie Marlowe, a brilliant geneticist who is unknowingly drawn into his dark world. Together, they search for a way to break the curse, but each step brings them closer to enemies who will stop at nothing to protect the ancient secret.
As the stakes rise and the moral lines blur, Daniel must decide whether to embrace the darkness that promises him eternal life or find a way to escape the nightmare he's trapped in. But escaping may require a price even higher than death itself.
In a world where immortality comes at the cost of innocence, "Nocturne: The Price of Immortality" is a tale of obsession, betrayal, and the eternal battle between the heart and the darkness within. Can Daniel reclaim his soul before the price of immortality becomes too high to pay?
This atmospheric, dark fantasy novel explores themes of immortality, sacrifice, and the consequences of unrelenting ambition. With intricate characters, morally complex decisions, and a world filled with tension and intrigue, "Nocturne" will captivate fans of supernatural thrillers and those who enjoy a deep dive into the human condition under extreme circumstances.

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