E. F. Benson

The Complete Works of E. F. Benson (Illustrated Edition)

30 Novels, 70+ Short Stories & Historical Works. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 7500 Seiten
EAN 8596547672708
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Good Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,99 inkl. MwSt.
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E. F. Benson's "The Complete Works of E. F. Benson (Illustrated Edition)" encapsulates the breadth of his literary prowess, presenting readers with an extensive collection of his fiction, essays, and plays. Notable for its wit and keen social observation, Benson's work often reflects the complexities of Edwardian society and the shifting cultural landscapes of the early 20th century. The prose is characterized by its crisp dialogue and rich characterization, revealing a profound understanding of human nature and relationships, all rendered in a style that brilliantly balances humor with poignant insights. This illustrated edition not only enriches the text with visual representations but also serves as a testament to Benson'Äôs status as a literary innovator of his time. E. F. Benson was a prolific English writer and a prominent literary figure who often drew inspiration from his own experiences as a member of the Bloomsbury Group. His upbringing in a prominent Anglican family and his deep engagement with the social and cultural movements of his era informed his narratives, colored by themes of class, sexuality, and the supernatural. As a contemporary of writers like Virginia Woolf and P.G. Wodehouse, Benson navigated the literary scene with a unique voice that blended the traditional and the modern, making his works both accessible and profound. This illustrated edition of Benson's complete works is a must-read for scholars and casual readers alike, offering a rich tapestry of narratives that illuminate the intricacies of life and societal mores during a transformative era. Delve into Benson'Äôs world, where the mundane intertwines with the mystical, and discover why his writing remains relevant and engaging today.

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