Editors Of Creative Homeowner

Ultimate Guide to Planting & Growing Vegetables at Home

Get High-Yield Results with Expert Advice on Planting, Growing, Composting, and Controlling Pests for Over 80 Vegetable Varieties. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1637413351
EAN 9781637413357
Veröffentlicht 11. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Creative Homeowner
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Every vegetable gardener needs at least one comprehensive how-to book on their shelf. Ultimate Guide to Planting & Growing Vegetables at Home is that book. It's an all-in-one resource for beginner and advanced gardeners with chapters on what you need to think about before starting a vegetable garden, planning, prepping, choosing the vegetables, sowing, growing, small space gardening, raised bed gardening, container and vertical gardening, and harvesting. The editors of Creative Homeowner cover essential topics including where to plant your vegetable garden, projects to support high-yield plant growth, protection and care of plants, soil treatments, disease and pest treatment, and so much more! This ultimate guide features 32 vegetable plant profiles such as potatoes, lettuce, beetroot, radishes, and more, with 91 varieties. Each profile includes variety, whether to plant or seed, spacing, harvesting, ratio of plant to harvest, whether to repeat sowing, ideal conditions, maintenance, watering, and troubleshooting. Includes beautiful full-color photos to help gardeners along the way. Gardening is made easy with this all-in-one reference guide.


Consumers recognize Creative Homeowner as their leading and trusted source for the best information, inspiration, and instruction related to the house and home. Creative Homeowner is the preeminent publisher of books on all aspects of decorating and design; home repair and improvement; house plans; gardening and landscaping; and grilling. Creative Homeowner's books stand out from other publications with their complete and easy-to-follow instructions, up-to-date information, and extensive use of color photography. Among its best-selling titles are Ultimate Guide to Home Repair and Improvement, Updated Edition; Ultimate Guide: Plumbing, 4th Updated Edition; and Ultimate Guide: Wiring, 8th Updated Edition.

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