Edmund Hillary

View From The Summit

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
ISBN 144810937X
EAN 9781448109371
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Transworld Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The first man to set foot on the summit of Everest, the man who led a team of tractors to the South Pole, the man who jetboated up the Ganges from the ocean to the sky has, for the first time, gathered all the remarkable adventures of a long life into one volume. But there is more to Edmund Hillary than this. He is also the man who repaid his debt of fame to the Himalayas by inaugurating a programme of building schools, clinics, airstrips and bridges in Nepal. With his still active support, these have gone from strength to strength in the 50 years since he himself mastered the Hillary Step and led his companion Tenzing Norgay up Everest's final summit ridge.
View from the Summit is a thoughtful and honest reappraisal of a life spent pushing human ability to its limits and relishing the challenges thrown down by the elements. It is also the story of a man whom the world has taken to its heart.


Sir Edmund Hillary

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