Ef Clark

Nellie Green the Jelly Bean (Nellie Green the Jelly Bean & Jelly Bean Town, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 5 bis 11 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1458053911
EAN 9781458053916
Veröffentlicht Juni 2011
Verlag/Hersteller EF Clark
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Now with ALL NEW ILLUSTRATIONS! All the other Jelly Beans in Jelly Bean Town were happy, until NELLIE GREEN the JELLY BEAN came along.
With its colorful artwork and sweet poetic pace, kids will love the story of "Nellie Green the Jelly Bean," and parents will appreciate the lesson of accepting those that may be just a little bit different.
BOOK #1 in the NELLIE GREEN the JELLY BEAN series written & illustrated by EF Clark.
Designed to help kids creatively manage the personal and societal challenges they face every day, in a fun and educational way. Great for AGES 6-8.
Join over 80,000 other happy readers & download the NELLIE GREEN the JELLY BEAN series today! It's FUN with a Message!


While not exactly an eccentric childhood recluse, I do recall being elated to receive a portable Smith-Corona typewriter for my 10th birthday! Ah, the good old days of ink ribbons and whiteout.
Whether scriptwriting television commercials for my family music business, or implementing multimedia promotions for various bookstores, I have thoroughly appreciated the art of writing and marketing.
I am an Internet Content Writer, editorialist, songwriter, and musician. My true passion, however, is historical fiction like the latest novel "TO SENSE WORTH," and children's books, such as the "NELLIE GREEN the JELLY BEAN" series.
Visit my blog "writercamp," which encourages aspiring writers to share in the legacy of literature.

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