El Whitehorse


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393318193
EAN 9781393318194
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller EL Whitehorse
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

DEATH CLEARINGHOUSE, The Novelette, won the coveted Semifinalist Award in the largest Science Fiction Contest in the world-Writers of the Future. Semifinalist indicates top 16 places out of thousands of quarterly entries.
Pretend for a moment that you just died. What happens now?!
You'll go to the light of course-you've heard that before. And then you'll wake up at a very important interview. The Death Counselor will ask you three questions and your answers determine where you go next. Are you leaving this to chance? Or would you prefer to have a cheat-sheet?
Come along on a wild ride with a rebel Apache as he turns the after-life upside-down and becomes the Controllers' worst nightmare. All while having his memory wiped!
READER TESTIMONIALS An excellent, surreal tone. It definitely made me want to keep reading. -JCGreat tension both in danger and sexual. -SHThe story has a dream-like quality. I also liked the way you characterized the Apache protagonist as well as the Navajo medicine man. It rang true from my experience as a reporter for Tucson's Arizona Daily Star. -DR


As a natural doctor who has worked in ten countries, I've met many delightful people who inspire me. In my science-fiction stories, I strive to remain true to the voice of each culture. In this case, the awe-inspiring Native Americans of the Southwest.
​​​​​​​I sincerely hope you enjoy reading my offerings and love to hear from my fans.

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