Eliana Salome

Dirty Possession

An Extended Sample. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 150 Seiten
ISBN 1637182171
EAN 9781637182178
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Pretty Booked, LLC
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This is a *sample*. The full book will be available January 5, 2022, everywhere books are sold!
He's the mafia's best enforcer and she's the mafia's slave, a pawn used to bring pleasure to men. When love comes into the equation, can these two damaged souls find solace in each other? Will they allow themselves to feel again?
Hana Lee has dreams, dreams of a life greater than one she was born into. From a young age, she only knew poverty and death, yet she still had an education, and a chance to get out. That is until her father took those dreams from her; he sold her to the Korean Mafia in Seoul. Hana being his payment for the debt he incurred. For six years she's been a slave, holding up the facade of the wife to the Head's son Seo-Jun. She's never felt love or pleasure from a man, only pain.
Trapped in an existence that is slowly killing her, she sees death as her only way out. A shred of hope remains inside her heart, keeping her alive, she clings to it with desperate need.
Enter, Sean O'Connor, one of the four brothers running the Irish mafia in his dying father's stead. Being a hot-head, most disregard him as immature and selfish.
He's one of the best enforcers for his clan, but things change for him when he takes Hana. Seeing her as a means to flush out the head of the Korean mafia, and let them know who runs the west end. He never expected to have feelings for her, or that he would want to save her.

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