Eliel Roshveder

The Mystery Of The New Jersey Lights And The Extraterrestrial Orders Of Light

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 137 Seiten
EAN 3410007674796
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Clube de Autores
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In this work I study the abduction phenomenon in light of the Bible. In Daniel it is written that they would try to mix with human seed, but they would not be able to, because it is impossible to mix mud and metal; Who are they? The aliens? Of course it would not be a spiritual force without a defined body, but rather beings from other spheres interacting in ours. The work will study this in depth without prejudice and without deviations. Are there other inhabited worlds and are they influencing humanity? Are the secret societies of the planet involved with these beings and with them who plan to control the planet? Is the Beast of the Apocalypse an alien phenomenon of global control? Revelation 12 speaks of the invasion of the earth by the Dragon and his angels and a physical war on earth waged by them. What does this key chapter mean to understand the UFO phenomenon over Earth? These are the subjects that will be addressed in this work. Learn about the most intriguing subjects on the planet. We are being governed and dominated even at the mental level by forces from other worlds. This work is frightening, but it is real. I believe that the greatest drama for the human species today is the phenomenon of abductions, invasive operations on the human body and soul causing deep ruptures in the mind and soul. The reports are frightening, but science denies them, because there is a conspiracy to hide the facts.

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