Elisabeth Carter, David M. Farrell, Gemma Loomes

Electoral Systems

A Global Perspective. 3. Auflage. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 328 Seiten
ISBN 1350348996
EAN 9781350348998
Veröffentlicht 28. November 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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How do different electoral systems work to translate votes into seats? What effects do they have on the political system, on political actors, and on voters? Does the choice of electoral system always involve a trade-off between strong and stable government and representation? And do electoral systems matter as much as we might think?
This fully revised and expanded third edition examines the principal types of electoral systems used in over 75 of the world's democracies. It explores why countries choose the electoral systems they do and explains how the different systems function; it investigates the consequences of electoral systems, including on the party system and on government formation and stability, on representation and the quality of democracy, and on parties, politicians, and voters.
Clearly structured, wide-ranging in focus, and incorporating an array of visual material - including authentic ballot papers, tables and figures - this in-depth study remains the go-to text for students and researchers seeking to understand electoral systems around the world.


Dr Elisabeth Carter is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Keele University, UK. Her research focuses on electoral systems, party systems and party competition, and political parties, particularly those of the extreme right.

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