Eliza Clark

Boy Parts

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 0063328933
EAN 9780063328938
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Harper Perennial
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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One of Granta's Best Young British Novelists 2023
An incendiary debut novel from a brash new talent—a pitch-black comedy, both shocking and hilarious, which fearlessly explores sexuality and gender roles in the twenty-first century.
“Hallucinogenic, electric and sharp, Boy Parts is a whirlwind exploration of gender, class, and power.”—Jessica Andrews, author of Saltwater
Exiled from the art world and on sabbatical from her dead-end bar job, Irina obsessively takes explicit photographs of the average-looking men she persuades to model for her, scouted from the streets of Newcastle.
But her talent has not gone unnoticed, and Irina is invited to display her work at a fashionable London gallery. It is a chance to revive her career and escape from the rut of drugs, alcohol, and extreme cinema she's fallen into. Yet the news instead triggers a self-destructive tailspin, centered around Irina's consuming relationship with her best friend, and a shy young man from her local supermarket who has attracted her attention. . . .


Eliza Clark is the author of Boy Parts and Penance. Boy Parts was Blackwell's 2020 Fiction Book of the Year and was later adapted for the stage. In 2022, Eliza was chosen as a finalist for the Women's Prize Futures Award for writers under thirty-five and in 2023, was named one of Granta's Best of Young British Novelists. She also writes for film and television. She lives in London.

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