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An introduction to linguistics, this book acquaints students to the key areas of linguistics using real-world illustrations. This fully revised and updated text draws upon students' daily experiences with linguistic concepts, allowing them to integrate terminology and build analytical skills as they develop a deeper understanding of how language facilitates our lives and, collectively, our society.
Features of the third edition include:
- A new chapter exploring language, the brain and the mind
- A new chapter on World Englishes
- Updated and expanded coverage of topics throughout, including animal communication systems, language and gender and educational linguistics
- New and refreshed online resources offering additional support for teachers and students.
Equipped with illustrations, diagrams and a wealth of examples of language in use, this book brings the study of language to life, using a wide range of materials including text from public signs, newspapers, magazines, digital platforms, snippets from real-life conversations as well as dialogue from print, film and television. The book's companion website provides a host of additional materials to further assist in the teaching and understanding of linguistics. It includes suggestions for further reading and a list of questions to consolidate understanding at each step.
Elizabeth Winkler is Faculty Emeritus at Western Kentucky University, USA.
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