Elizabeth Hand

A Haunting on the Hill

"Scary and beautifully written' NEIL GAIMAN. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1408729563
EAN 9781408729564
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Sphere
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Named a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker, The Washington Post, and Harper's Bazaar
'Scary and beautifully written, imbued with the same sense of dread and inevitability as Jackson's original' NEIL GAIMAN
'A fitting - and frightening - homage to The Haunting of Hill House' NEW YORK TIMES
'Disturbing and unforgettable' GUARDIAN
'It's so vivid, full of totemic menace and with a heart-in-your-mouth, can't-look-away frisson' BRIDGET COLLINS
Discover the landmark first novel ever to return to Hill House, officially authorised by the Shirley Jackson estate.
'Genuinely sinister and beautifully written' ROSIE ANDREWS
'Welcome back to Hill House. Read by daylight, and never alone' ALIX E. HARROW
'Hill House is back and as haunting as ever. Some of the most striking scares I've read in years' ANA REYES
Whatever walks there, no longer walks alone . . .
Playwright Holly Sherwin is close to her big break. Having received a grant to develop her new play, all she needs is time and space to bring her vision to life. Then on a weekend away, she stumbles upon Hill House - an ornate if crumbling gothic mansion, near-hidden outside a small town.
Soon Holly's troupe of actors - each with ghosts of their own - arrive at Hill House for a creative retreat. But before long they find themselves at odds not just with one another, but with the house itself.
For something has been waiting patiently in Hill House all these years.
Something no longer content to walk alone.
'Evocative and unsettling, capturing the essence of the original whilst offering something brand new' CARLY REAGON
'A novel dripping in atmosphere and intrigue' JOANNE BURN
'As unnerving and disorienting as Hill House itself' LAURA SHEPPERSON
'A subtle and deeply unnerving ghost story' AMANDA MASON
'Creepy, tragic, and haunting. I tore through its pages' VICTOR LaVALLE
'Not a simple act of ventriloquism but a true marriage of minds' DAN CHAON


Elizabeth Hand

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