Elizabeth Hayley

The One-Night Stand

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 250 Seiten
ISBN 1642632775
EAN 9781642632774
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Waterhouse Press
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

It should have been a grand slam...
Gabriel Torres thought his life after major league baseball would be simple and quiet-or at least quieter. However, as he takes over running the exclusive Players Club, he finds himself constantly embroiled in scandal and drama. Surely nothing or no one could make his life any crazier...right?
Rachel Adler is a blast from Gabe's past who crashed back into his life with the finesse of a freight train. But she's a welcome distraction. At least for a night.
Rachel's been working hard to become one of the top sports journalists in the country, and she doesn't have time for an irresistibly charming baseball player. A one-night stand with a man who she knew would hit it out of the park was all she wanted.
But when Rachel gets a tip that Gabe could have ties to one of the biggest sports stories in history-a story that could make her career-she decides she has time for the sexy baseball player after all. As Rachel gets in deeper with both her story and Gabe, she begins to question who she is, what she wants, and what exactly she's willing to sacrifice for her career.
Will this potential grand-slam romance be stopped short? Or will Rachel and Gabe go the distance?


Elizabeth Hayley is actually "Elizabeth" and "Hayley," two friends who love reading romance novels to obsessive levels. This mutual love prompted them to put their English degrees to good use by penning their own. The product was Pieces of Perfect, their debut novel. They learned a ton about one another through the process, like how they clearly share a brain and have a persistent need to text each other constantly (much to their husbands' chagrin). They live with their husbands and kids in a Philadelphia suburb. Thankfully, their children are still too young to read their books.

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