Elizabeth Lynx

The Real McKenzie (Billionaire Sloan Brothers, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230942948
Veröffentlicht 11. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Elizabeth Lynx
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Six months ago, the famous billionaire, McKenzie Sloan, chose my marriage to destroy. He convinced my husband to leave me. Now it's my turn to destroy his pampered little life.
I'm just a small-town girl trying to survive the pending loss of her dream: the bookstore I opened with my husband. I thought he loved me until he ran off with a woman and stole all the money from our bookstore.
Now it's just me and my sister that live in the tiniest house in the state of Virginia as we try to keep the store afloat.
Then, out of nowhere, billionaire playboy McKenzie Sloan strolls into my bookshop, acting like he didn't convince my husband to screw me over. He even introduced the girlfriend to my husband.
As McKenzie gazed at the books on the shelves of my dying bookstore with a smirk on his face, as if he was doing me a favor, I noticed one thing. He didn't know who I was.
That's when a smile appeared on my face as a plan to destroy him formed in my head.
Should I just forgive and move on? Probably, but where's the fun in that?


Elizabeth Lynx is not a robot, that's for sure. At least she says she's not. She is also not a space alien. How do I know this, because she was born in Baltimore Maryland in the 1970's when no one wanted to be in Baltimore Maryland so why would her parents say that if it weren't true. Of course she has had her suspicions growing up and is still in a continual search for evidence that backs up her space age theories.
To bide her time she writes about 'normal' people and their sexy romantic lives. Her husband chooses to put up with her theories and paranoid musings. Her two little boys help her see that perhaps she isn't an alien but more of a climbing rock. This theory is new, so she needs more time to develop it further.
She has a website called E. Lynx (http://elynx.weebly.com).

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