Elle Kennedy

The Dixon Rule

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0349439516
EAN 9780349439518
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Piatkus Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The second in the steamy, hilarious Campus Diaries series by New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy, set in the same world as Off Campus and Briar U.
'I told them I had a girlfriend.'
I start to laugh. 'This is the greatest day of my life.'
'Oh, it gets better, Dixon. I told them it was you.'
Diana Dixon has a lot going on this summer. She's rehearsing for a ballroom dance competition, juggling two jobs, and dealing with an ex-boyfriend who can't take the hint it's over. Yet despite all that, she still has plenty of time and energy to tell Shane Lindley to screw off.
Shane just moved into her apartment building and seems dedicated to sleeping his way through her entire cheerleading squad. Sure, he's a tall, gorgeous hockey player, but he's messing with her turf. This calls for some ground rules: no parties in her apartment, leave her teammates alone, and - most importantly - leave her alone.
What Diana doesn't realize is that Shane's sick of hook-ups and tired of being on the rebound after his long-term girlfriend called it quits. He wants a relationship. And when his ex comes back into the picture, he pretends he has one to make her jealous . . . and who better to play the girlfriend role than his sassy new neighbour?
Despite Diana's reluctance to break her rule, a fake relationship is the perfect solution for her own ex issues, and soon she can't deny something is sizzling between her and Shane. Something hot and completely unexpected.
And it might just be getting a little too real.


Elle Kennedy

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