Ellie Alexander, Paige Shelton, Jean-Luc Bannalec, Olivia Blacke, Rhys Bowen

Cozy Case Files, Volume 17

A Cozy Mystery Sampler. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 300 Seiten
ISBN 1250906334
EAN 9781250906335
Veröffentlicht Januar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Minotaur Books
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Looking for a new cozy series? In the new edition of Cozy Case Files, Minotaur Books compiles the beginnings of nine charming cozy mysteries publishing in Winter 2023 for free for easy sampling.
The seventeenth edition of Cozy Case Files features the latest cozies by the following authors: Ellie Alexander, Jean-Luc Bannalec, Olivia Blacke, Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles, Anastasia Hastings, Diane Kelly, Olivia Matthews, Gigi Pandian, and Paige Shelton.
This editions has THREE cozy series starters for you to enjoy. Set in 1885 London, Of Manners and Murder follows Violet as she discovers that when you represent best-loved Agony Aunt in Britain, both marauding husbands and murder are par for the course. In Vinyl Resting Place, three sisters knew there could be some scratches on the track when opening Sip & Spin Records in Texas, but no one was expecting to find a body deader than disco in the supply closet. And in Little Caribbean, Brooklyn, New York, investigating a murder was never supposed to be on Spice Isle Bakery's menu in Against the Currant.
Catch up at what's happening at your favorite eatery in Muffin But the Truth.
Check in to see the latest renovation projects in The Raven Thief and Primer and Punishment.
Travel abroad to Edinburgh and Brittany in Fateful Words and The Body by the Sea. Or visit New York at the turn of the century with the incomparable Molly Murphy Sullivan in All That is Hidden.


Ellie Alexander, Jean-Luc Bannalec, Olivia Blacke, Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles, Anastasia Hastings, Diane Kelly, Olivia Matthews, Gigi Pandian, Paige Shelton

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