Emery Cole

Heirs (Skull Point Alliance Book, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393705766
EAN 9781393705765
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller EmCo
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Vivianne Devereaux's a witch. Of the W variety, not the B variety. She's also a Devereaux, a fact which seems to spell death for her. On the run from a creepy, d-bag ex, who happens to be a warlock, she finds out she's inherited an island. Sort of.
It's sort of an island and she's sort of inherited it.
Vivi has to do some work to keep that island, and naturally, the work is of the magic kind. And she's sworn off magic.
Quick Alvarez is more than head of security for Skull Point Cay. He's the adopted son of the last island owner. By all rights, he should be the heir to the island. After all, he's invested in seeing his adopted mother's dreams come true. But he's not the magic type. No, Quick's a wolf shifter. And the island can't be inherited by anyone who doesn't do magic. And by damn, Quick has no magic skills.
Now he's got to protect the island from Vivianne Devereaux, while at the same time protect Vivianne from the forces that seem hellbent on killing her. The fact that he's attracted to her, that's not a bonus. At all.

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