Emily Oddo

Tarot for Beginners : A Practical Guide to Learn the Art of Tarot Reading and Tarot Spreads

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201297244
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller WhiteFlowerPublsihing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Have you always been fascinated by Tarot cards but just couldn't find your way through their meanings and how to properly use them?
Do you finally want to tap into your inner source of awareness, power, and wisdom?
If so, then Tarot for Beginnersis for you. You see, There's just something so mysterious and mesmerizing about these cards that we want to know all about them. Tarot cards are always a crowd-pleaser, and people will love them when you make accurate predictions and readings about them. Moreover, there's a certain spirituality associated with Tarot, and once you learn how to interpret the cards, you'll realize how focused and calm you've become. This book is meant as an introductory guidebook for those who have developed an interest in Tarot, just like you!
In Tarot for Beginners, you'll discover:
The history of Tarot
The Meaning of the Cards: Major Arcana
The Meaning of the Cards: Minor Arcana
How to use Tarot for yourself
How Tarot is related to Numerogy
And much more!
Imagine how great you'll feel once you've learned the meaning of tarot and how to properly use them!
So, what are you waiting for?

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