Emma Campbell

15 Ways to Think More Positive You Were Not Aware of - How to Start to Think More Positively With Simple Exercise in Less Than 10 Minute a Day!

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393894356
EAN 9781393894353
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Emma Campbell
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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If you want to build your skills, live an overall happier life and build self-esteem, then keep reading...
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, "You look dreadful"?
Have you ever felt you're a bit of a failure--at work, at personal relations, at being popular, or smart, or coping?
Most of us have thoughts like that occasionally, and many of us think that's normal. But thoughts like these can, over time, sap your energy, close off opportunities, and even lead to depression.
Negative thinking traps you in a vicious circle because you expect failure, you don't take on challenges, or you set yourself up to fail. And when you fail, you believe that negative voice that told you failure was inevitable.
But it's not true and you can break out of that negative spiral, given the right insights and the right techniques. Some people think positive thinking is wishy-washy and dishonest. But positive thinking isn't about believing you can do anything, it's about:Concentrating on what you can do, rather than obsessing about what you can't.Being open to trying new activities, taking new opportunities, and learning new skills.Treating your failures as learning opportunities rather than disasters.Building the confidence that lets you feel it's okay not to succeed at every single thing you do, as long as you can learn and move on.And much more...
So if you want to learn more about Positive Thinking and give it a try to this 15 easy exercise to start your journey towards Positive Thinking, scroll-up and take your copy right now!


Emma Campbell is born and raised in the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, New York. She is a single mother of two wonderful teenage daughters and a psychology enthusiast who thrives on seeing others' happiness, growth, and successes. During her free time, she likes to get her boost of endorphins by strolling along Central Park's tree-lined paths with her 5-year-old dog, Mr. Snuggles.
Campbell's expertise centers on the genre of Self-Help, with a focus on self-improvement topics, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Grit, Self-Discipline for Success, Self-Confidence, and Self-Esteem.
She has a collection of several books called "Art of Happiness", which puts emphasis on the field of Positive Psychology, and sheds light on the fleeting nature of our joys and the ways in which we can savor them.
Campbell, too, has set out to craft beginner's guides on how to successfully manage Overthinking and Anxiety and Panic Attacks, both of which will be soon available also as audiobook for listeners to download, share, and enjoy.

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