Emma Robinson

Happily Never After

A laugh out loud romantic comedy. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1786814803
EAN 9781786814807
Veröffentlicht Juli 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Bookouture
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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She closed her eyes. Think with your head. Your heart can't be trusted. Life is not a fairytale…
Single mum Rory doesn't believe in love. She's got far too many real problems to deal with.
She's just bought a tumbledown house. Her mother is generally behaving like a wicked witch, insisting on calling her Aurora, and generally interfering in her (admittedly pitiful lack of) love life. And her 16-year-old daughter has finally grown out of Disney princesses and discovered dating…
But Rory's adamant that she doesn't need saving. In fact, the only thing she's wishing on a star for is a bit of practical help. However, when she meets a builder whose name is John Prince and who seems to be in the habit of rescuing her (right down to finding her lost shoe one evening) she might have to face a truth as uncomfortable as hobbling home barefoot - that maybe there's something enchanted in the air.
Her mother, daughter and friends are convinced her prince has come, but Rory just wishes everyone could let it go. Especially when she hears a story that makes her question whether he is really the hero everyone thinks he is…
A hilarious, romantic love story about mothers, daughters and how on earth to find Prince Charming, for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes and Cecelia Ahern.
What readers are saying about Happily Never After:
'I absolutely loved this book… I was left laughing out loud one minute and then tears welling up… fantastically funny but also so heart-warming! It was an absolute perfect read… I was hooked from the first page.' Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars
'When I started the book I was so caught up in reading that I had to finish it in just one sitting! It is simply that great… Had me laughing out loud throughout… Fast paced and hilarious… Perfect for all chick-lit, romance lovers.' Just Read It, 5 stars
'I thoroughly recommend this if you're looking for a 'feel good' book that will make you laugh out loud.' The Secret Library Book Blog
'A wonderfully entertaining summer read.' Novel Deelights
'OH EM GEE. WOW! … Boy was this bloody brilliant! Very impressed. I loved every second… A must buy. A must read. You will not be disappointed at all… Outstanding.' Between the Pages Book Club, 5 stars
'It was fun, entertaining, realistic, relatable, adorable, sweet, intriguing and I just plain adored it.' Spicy Books Lady
'This might be a rom-com but it's not your average rom-com… a brilliant story.' Starcrossed Book Reviews
'Jam-packed full of romance, real emotions, drama and family. It's heart-warming and a delight to read…


Emma Robinson

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