Emmy Scanga

Threads of Awakening

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230309666
Veröffentlicht November 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Emmy Scanga
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Fates are fickle, mysterious, and full of surprises.
Or at least that is what Xochel had been told. They hadn't been trained to weave on the enchanted looms of fate, awaiting their Mother's call to learn the craft of their family. Spending their days helping their two brothers, Pilli and Hetay, Xochel wonders just what they could do to be useful, could win Mother's attention to free their siblings of watching over them.
Until then, they continue to fetch threads, make meals and maintain their brothers' tools. Which wouldn't have been an issue, if Pilli had just returned. Now faced with the possibility of their kind dying off, their brother missing, they now have to enter an unknown realm to fetch the fruit that not only keeps their kind alive, but also the very fruit that allows their brothers to enchant the weavings of fate.
Simple enough, a task that Hetay had been doing for centuries. Yet Xochel soon discovers that such a quest may not be so easy for someone so inexperienced. They immediately discover the dangers of this strange realm they are thrust into, stumbling upon strange monsters and somehow binding Elric, a gargoyle, to themself.
Frustrated and sulking in their failure, they now have to find a way to gather this fruit, find a way home, and somehow find a way to be rid of this irritating gargoyle. They soon discover just what fate has in store for them, the experiences that intrigue them, and... why does Elric keep looking at them like that?


Emmy (they/them) is a non binary Chicano author who has led a life of creativity in many fields. From a craft filled childhood in Colorado, Emmy recently stepped away from designing and writing crochet patterns to finally pursue a world that has been building since 2001. Aiming to pay homage to their late abuelita (grandmother), Emmy taps into their love for all things mystical, haunting and those subjects hidden within the lives we live. Pushing for more representation of those around them, all of these stories are written to showcase not just their Chicano roots, but Indigenous, Black and gay siblings.
Emmy currently lives in New England with their partner Joe and void cat River Tam. You can find Emmy often crocheting, weaving, playing games and furthering decolonizing their personal witchcraft.

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