Ethan Gihwan

25 Reasons Why The Rapture Could Happen In 2025

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230136880
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Ethan Gihwan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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We are living in unprecedented times. The world is changing faster than ever before, and the signs of the times are all around us. In "25 Reasons Why The Rapture Could Happen in 2025," author Ethan Gihwan takes you on a journey through the pages of Scripture and the headlines of today, exploring the possibility that we may be on the very threshold of the Rapture.
This book delves into 25 specific reasons why the year 2025 could be a pivotal year in biblical prophecy. From the exponential growth of artificial intelligence and quantum computing to the increasing push for global governance and the centrality of Israel on the world stage, Gihwan examines the convergence of events that seem to be fulfilling ancient prophecies before our eyes.
"25 Reasons Why The Rapture Could Happen in 2025" explores:- The significance of Israel's rebirth in 1948 and its 77th anniversary in 2025.- The potential prophetic implications of the Feasts of Israel, the Shemitah cycle, and the concept of Jubilee.- The rise of globalism, the erosion of morality, and the growing apostasy in the Church.- The role of technology in the end times, including AI, quantum computing, and the potential for a "mark of the beast" system.- The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and their connection to biblical prophecy.- Mathematical and symbolic clues in Scripture that point to the urgency of our times.
Gihwan draws upon the insights of past prophecy teachers, such as Edgar C. Whisenant's "88 Reasons," while offering a fresh, contemporary perspective for today's reader. While emphasizing that we cannot know the exact day or hour of Christ's return, 25 Reasons Why The Rapture Could Happen in 2025" presents a compelling case for why we should be watchful, ready, and actively sharing the Gospel in these crucial times. This book will challenge you, inspire you, and equip you to live with purpose as we await our blessed hope.

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