Eugie Foster

Mortal Clay, Stone Heart and Other Stories in Shades of Black and White

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 181 Seiten
ISBN 1466165731
EAN 9781466165731
Veröffentlicht November 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Eugie Foster
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Eight critically acclaimed short stories by Nebula-Award winning author Eugie Foster.Winner of the 2012 eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Award in the Best Short Story Collection category.


Eugie Foster calls home a mildly haunted, fey-infested house in metro Atlanta that she shares with her husband, Matthew. After receiving her master's degree in psychology, she retired from academia to pen flights of fancy. She also edits legislation for the Georgia General Assembly, which from time to time she suspects is another venture into flights of fancy.
Eugie received the 2009 Nebula Award for Best Novelette and was named the Author of the Year by Bards and Sages. THE DRAGON AND THE STARS anthology, edited by Derwin Mak and Eric Choi, with her story, "Mortal Clay, Stone Heart," won the 2011 Prix Aurora Award for Best English Related Work. Her fiction has also received the 2002 Phobos Award; been a finalist for the Hugo and British Science Fiction Association awards; and been translated into eight languages. Her publication credits number over 100 and include stories in REALMS OF FANTASY, INTERZONE, CRICKET, CICADA, FANTASY MAGAZINE, and anthologies NEBULA SHOWCASE 2011, BEST NEW FANTASY, and BEST NEW ROMANTIC FANTASY 2. Her short story collection, RETURNING MY SISTER'S FACE AND OTHER FAR EASTERN TALES OF WHIMSY AND MALICE, was published in 2009 and has been used as a textbook at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the University of California-Davis.

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