Evedyahni Benavraham

Do You Really Believe Him?

Understanding How Christianity Betrayed Jesus and His Narrow Path While It Embraced Paul and his Broad Road. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 90 Seiten
ISBN 1543902804
EAN 9781543902808
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
Verlag/Hersteller BookBaby
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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"If the measure of a Christian is following Jesus' lead, then to be sure there are no true Christians." In this book, Evedyahni Ben Avraham sets out to prove that statement by revealing a very disturbing truth: Christians do not follow after Jesus, as they claim to do and may very well believe they are doing. Rather, Christians and Messianic believers alike all follow after the Apostle Paul, as they rely almost exclusively on the teachings of Paul while they actually reject the teachings of Jesus. The problem with this betrayal is that the teachings of the Apostle Paul directly contradict everything that Jesus taught and stood for. This is an indisputable fact which is easily accentuated after an impartial and in-depth review of the Scriptures. In this book we scrutinize the Scriptures to demonstrate exactly when the early Christian church deviated from Jesus' instructions, and to identify who the main culprits involved in leading the masses away from Jesus were. This book is for all those who truly wish to know what Jesus prescribed as the Narrow Path towards Salvation so that they can finally walk in it, as opposed to continuously walking in the broad path advocated by the Apostle Paul.

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