Fannie Price

Carnival of the Lost (The Cambion Rider Chronicles, #2.1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215151808
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Platinum Dragon Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Can Veronica survive a carnival which changes Lachlan into something she barely recognizes?
Participating in a rite of passage for mated riders and their dragons, Veronica and Lachlan step out of their reality and into a world of kittens and lost sheep, where guilty pleasures have dangerous consequences. Carnival of the Lost is an interlude short story in the Cambion Rider Chronicles universe, with events that take place after book #2 Burn, and before book #3, Came Back Haunted.


In her childhood, Fannie developed a love of writing and creature features. By the mid-90s, she discovered urban fantasy, and it quickly became her favorite genre to read. After noticing the lack of diversity in the female heroines of the genre she'd grown to adore, Fannie decided to use her writing skills to amplify the voices of Black female protagonists and other underrepresented people in the genre she loves.

She enjoys mixing elements of magic and mystery, with health doses of darkness, and a touch of romance into familiar cities, transforming them into a part of the supernatural realm. Her attention to detail and talent for crafting complex and flawed individuals adds depth and authenticity to her stories.

An avid Witcher and Assassin's Creed fan girl, when she's not writing, she spends her free time with family, going to the movies, watching football, and Investigation Discovery. Way too much Investigation Discovery.

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