Fenella Ashworth

Canis Hall

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230869085
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Fenella Ashworth
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"If you want hot, spicy, panty melting steam wrapped into an erotically romantic, story, this is the series for you!"
"This entire series of Canis Hall was enthralling to read!"
"Fantastic read!"
5* Reviews
A steamy wolf-shifter romance for your reading pleasure
All 12 books from the Canis Hall series are brought together in this single publication.
When Grace finds herself alone on an isolated moor in the middle of a freezing January night, the situation is made a hundred times worse when she encounters a group of men who are clearly looking for trouble.
Fortunately, she is rescued by the tall, dark, terrifyingly attractive Benedict Canis, who offers her sanctuary for the night at his gothic mansion. This kindness is accompanied by an unexpected warning; don't unlock the bedroom door for anyone, including him.
It doesn't take Grace very long to discover that Benedict is even more unique than she could have possibly imagined.
Fenella Ashworth is a British author of over 40 contemporary steamy romance books for 18+. Her most popular books are 'One Hot Wynter's Night', 'To Love, Honour and...Oh Pay', 'Fictional Fantasies' and the Canis Hall Series.


Fenella Ashworth is a British author of over 40 contemporary steamy romance books for 18+. Her most popular books are 'One Hot Wynter's Night', 'To Love, Honour and...Oh Pay', 'Fictional Fantasies' and the Daniel Lawson Series.
Find Fenella online at www.fenellaashworth.com where you can subscribe to her newsletter for ongoing freebies.

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