Fiona Mcintosh

Beautiful Death

An addictive crime thriller from the bestselling author. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 448 Seiten
ISBN 1835011314
EAN 9781835011317
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller No Exit Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'Kept me on the edge of my seat,leading me a dance full of intrigue, twisting & turning from page to page' ----- Every Little Breeze
'I really, really enjoyed this novel and struggled to put it down and get on with my work at times' ----- Critical Critic
'Excellent, gripping story' ----- Real reader review
From the seedy underbelly of London's back streets and New Scotland Yard to the dangerous frontiers of modern medicine, this is a gripping crime thriller by million-copy bestselling author Fiona McIntosh
A calculating serial killer, who 'trophies' the faces of his victims, is targeting Londoners and committing the most gruesome of murders. With each new atrocity, the public and the police are getting more desperate for results.
Under enormous pressure, DCI Jack Hawksworth and his team begin their investigation and soon find it taking them into the murky world of illegal immigrants and human organ trading.
But when the murderer strikes closer to home than Jack could ever have imagined possible, the case becomes a personal crusade - and a race against time.


Fiona McIntosh is one of Australia's favourite storytellers across various genres and her Jack Hawksworth character is regularly in the National Top 10.
Originally born and raised in Sussex, Fiona is delighted to be bringing the Scotland Yard detective series, which has been optioned for TV, home for release in the UK during 2025.
She divides her time between South Australia and Wiltshire.

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