Fiona Mcintosh

Bye Bye Baby

The twisting turning series first. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
ISBN 1835011292
EAN 9781835011294
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller No Exit Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'I was totally engrossed... huge thumbs up'----- Real Reader Review
'Had me hooked from the first page'----- Real Reader Review
'An exciting page turning thriller that kept me gripped'----- Real Reader Review
It all began in Brighton. Now it's February 2003 and there is a serial killer on the loose. Scotland Yard's brightest talent is chosen to head up the high-profile taskforce: Jack Hawksworth is a DCI who must confront his own past as the body count rises. There are few leads and Hawksworth can only fall back on instinct and decades-old cold cases for any clue to the killer's motive and identity. With his most loyal team member threatening to betray him, a Superintendent pushing for results, a hungry British media clamouring for information, and a restless public eager for a conviction, the high-pressure operation can only end in a final shocking confrontation...


Fiona McIntosh is one of Australia's favourite storytellers across various genres and her Jack Hawksworth character is regularly in the National Top 10.
Originally born and raised in Sussex, Fiona is delighted to be bringing the Scotland Yard detective series, which has been optioned for TV, home for release in the UK during 2025.
She divides her time between South Australia and Wiltshire.

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