Flora Reigada

Where Your Heart Meets God's

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386223638
EAN 9781386223634
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2017
Verlag/Hersteller MillerWords, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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God has life changing messages for you, but how would you know, and what would He say?
You might be surprised to find His words shining like jewels in everyday life, but also where we need to search and dig. Recognizing these messages of life and love can be compared to discovering hidden treasures just for you, then exploring these jewels one at a time, each with numerous facets. Such is the divine treasure with your name, if you will but receive. Where Your Heart Meets God's can help illuminate these inner riches right where you are, whatever your circumstances or struggles. Open the pages and your heart for an everlasting adventure in hearing and experiencing God.
Discover the many ways He is calling your name.


Flora Reigada is an award-winning journalist and novelist. She and her husband, Dan, have been a reporter/photographer team for several newspapers, including the Florida Today. At present, they cover Brevard County/Space Coast news for Senior Life newspaper. Interesting places they have explored in pursuit of a story include a "castle," the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida. In Titusville Florida's historic Vassar B. Carlton Courthouse, they climbed a hidden stairway to a long-abandoned jail. While covering events at a local ranch, Flora narrowly avoided being trampled by a "spooked" horse. She has also been a staff writer for Warner Press, contributing to their Pathways to God devotional and Christian Art Bulletin. In addition, she has written for Guideposts Magazine, Decision Magazine, the Upper Room Daily Devotional and more. She and Dan are proud parents and grandparents.
"Our lives have been filled with adventure," Flora says.

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