Forrest Reid

The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 9 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 49 Seiten
EAN 8596547243441
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In "The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys," Forrest Reid weaves a delicate narrative that explores the intricate bond between childhood innocence and the complexities of burgeoning sexuality. Set against the lush metaphorical backdrop of a secluded garden, Reid's prose is both lyrical and evocative, capturing the nuances of friendship and longing through rich, sensory descriptions. This novel, originally published in the early 20th century, reflects the author's deep engagement with themes of nature, beauty, and the transient nature of youth, situating it within the broader context of modernist literature that often grapples with identity and sexual awakening. Forrest Reid, an Irish author and art critic, often drew inspiration from his own experiences as a sensitive boy navigating a world rife with societal expectations. His personal struggles with identity and a profound appreciation for beauty and aesthetics permeate his writings, making "The Garden God" not only an exploration of youthful relationships but also a contemplation of the deeper human psyche. Reid's work was influenced by his friendships with various artistic figures, further enriching the thematic depth of his novels. This book is recommended for readers who appreciate introspective literature that examines the transformative power of friendship amidst the challenges of growing up. Reid's poignant storytelling invites readers to explore their own memories of childhood, making it a timeless narrative that resonates with anyone who has grappled with the complexities of love and identity.


Forrest Reid (1875-1947) was an Irish novelist, literary critic, and translator, known largely for his contributions to the genre of literary fiction characterized by its intense lyricism and subtle presentation of homosexual themes at a time when such subjects were quite taboo. Reid's notable work 'The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys' (1905) is a bildungsroman that delicately illustrates the blossoming friendship and emotional bond between two male protagonists. This novel stands as one of Reid's more explicit engagements with homoerotic themes and has earned him both critical acclaim and scholarly interest for its aesthetic qualities and its daring subject matter, particularly in the context of early 20th-century literature. A contemporary and acquaintance of E.M. Forster, Reid's art was informed by an intimate and personal approach to narrative and characters. Despite the fact that he never attained the same level of fame as some of his counterparts, Reid's body of work has been deemed significant in the study of LGBTQ+ literary history, with 'The Garden God' remaining a poignant example of his nuanced, evocative storytelling and his contribution to the modernist literary movement. His oeuvre included other accomplished works such as the novel 'Uncle Stephen' and 'Following Darkness', which further showcase his talents and the recurrent exploration of themes related to nature, adolescence, and spiritual introspection.

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