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Als die "Big Five Afrikas" sind afrikanischer Elefant, afrikanischer Löwe, afrikanischer Leopard, afrikanischer Büffel sowie das Spitzmaulnashorn gemeint. Diese fünf Tiere Afrikas sind die beliebtesten Fotomotive auf jeder Safari. Auf der Suche nach den "Big Five" bekommen die anderen Säugetiere Afrikas oft nicht genug Aufmerksamkeit.
In diesem Bildband sind neben den "Big Five" auch die "Statisten" abgebildet, vom kleinen Ockerfußbuschhörnchen bis zur sechs Meter hohen Netzgiraffe.
Children's book author, wildlife photographer and passionate ornithologist.
I travel a lot and have visited many countries in the last ten years. My most important luggage is the camera. For years I have been out hunting with her and photographing animals. Over the years, more than 100,000 images have come together. Every single photo captures a unique moment and has its own story. Exciting, touching, funny, magical, fascinating, dangerous: the animal world is as varied and exciting as we see it.
In addition to photography, it is important to me to introduce children to the wonderful world of animals. In my children's books I let fotolulu tell exciting stories of my travels.
I wish you a lot of fun with my books. Let yourself be enchanted and stay curious.