Francis Hawkings

The Pacific Crossing Guide 4th edition

Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation. 4. Auflage. 75 colour maps and 50 photographs. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1399407023
EAN 9781399407021
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Adlard Coles Nautical

Auch erhältlich als:

69,49 inkl. MwSt.
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'The definitive work on Pacific crossings'
The Pacific Crossing Guide is a complete reference for anyone contemplating sailing the Pacific. From ideal timing, suitable boats, routes, methods of communication, health and provisioning to seasonal weather, departure and arrival ports, facilities, likely costs and dangers, this comprehensive new edition will both inspire dreamers and instil confidence in those about to depart.
Completely updated, expanded and refreshed for the new generation of Pacific cruisers, this is the definitive reference, relied upon by many thousands of cruisers. Part 1 covers thorough preparation for both East-to-West and West-to-East crossings and Part 2 covers Pacific weather patterns, major routes and landfall ports, with useful website links throughout. There are sections on rallies, coral atolls and atoll navigation, the cyclone season and laying up, use of electronic charts, satellite phones versus HF radio, ongoing maintenance, and Pacific festivals.
Updated with new charts and photographs, the new 4th edition focuses on ports of entry rather than secondary anchorages, and expands the North Pacific coverage, making it a valuable resource for sailors doing a North Pacific circuit, particularly US and Canadian sailors from the Pacific North.


Francis Hawkings has been sailing in the Pacific for over thirty years. His cruises have taken him to the South Pacific, Chile, Hawaii, Japan and Alaska from his home base in California.

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