Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Zenith Blue Ridge Books

The Great Gatsby

A Timeless Classic of Love, Wealth, and Tragedy. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 110 Seiten
ISBN 2384233599
EAN 9782384233595
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Zenith Blue Ridge Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A Jazz Age Masterpiece of Love, Wealth, and the American Dream
Step into the opulent world of The Great Gatsby, where ambition and desire collide in the roaring 1920s. F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic novel paints a vivid picture of glittering parties, unfulfilled dreams, and the dark side of wealth.
At the heart of this timeless tale is Jay Gatsby-a mysterious millionaire with a haunted past-obsessed with rekindling a lost romance with the enchanting Daisy Buchanan. As seen through the eyes of narrator Nick Carraway, Gatsby's grand illusions unravel, exposing the fragile line between success and self-destruction.
A dazzling critique of the American Dream, The Great Gatsby is more than a novel-it's a cultural touchstone that continues to captivate readers worldwide.
- Praise for The Great Gatsby:
-- One of the greatest novels of the 20th century - The New York Times
-- A defining work of the Jazz Age - TIME Magazine
-- A masterpiece of American literature - The Guardian
Don't miss out on this must-read classic. Grab your copy today!

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