Francisco Alcaina

Know and Solve Erectile Dysfunction

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230150626
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Francisco Alcaina
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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If a man can't have a normal sex life and satisfy himself and his partner, he might feel depressed and lonely. This can lead to a domino effect where the couple starts to drift apart, both emotionally and physically.
Sexual partners often measure their self-esteem, femininity, and desirability by how men respond to their sexuality, and they're particularly vulnerable to fears of abandonment and rejection. Some guys' emotional distance feeds into these fears. They might worry that their partner is having an affair with someone else. This can lead to feelings of betrayal and infidelity. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and trust, and the couple might start to feel like they need to separate, even though they might just need to talk things through.
When a man or a gal can't get it on because of ED, they might decide to skip the other kinds of sex with their partner. After dealing with rejection and not getting the support they need from their partner, men, and women frequently turn to other issues to deal with the loss of their sex life. Sometimes, sexual performance issues are just a mask for bigger emotional or relationship problems. At this point, other relationship issues may take priority over ED issues, so it could be a good time for the man or couple to see a marriage counselor or sex therapist. All couples can benefit from opening lines of communication about sex and learning how to better utilize their functional abilities, and a counselor can rekindle romance and redirect energies back into the relationship.
This guide is especially for men. If you're a man who knows what he wants, you don't have to pretend that you're not having a hard time. You know that this difficulty has to be fixed ASAP. This guide is for those who don't want to lose their partner and want to enjoy life to the fullest.
Reading my book and making the suggested changes shows that you're ready to improve some important parts of your life. It's not something to be ashamed of. When you have a issue, it's best to face it and overcome it. After reading this book, you'll know exactly what to do to improve your sex life. You'll also feel a lot better knowing that you're not the only one dealing with this issue. You'll also see that this is a temporary issue and will soon pass.


Profesor, Traductor y Escritor, me gusta investigar en salud para ayudarme en mi vida y poder aconsejar a los demás a poner en práctica una vida saludable y lejos de las medicinas tradicionales, yo lo he hecho y es posible.

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