Francisco Angulo de Lafuente

Shanghai 3

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Chinesisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227980908
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller ASTRA-NOVA
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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在《上海 3》中,弗朗西斯科·安古洛·德·拉丰特让我们沉浸在一个反乌托邦的未来中,挑战我们对现实的看法,并探索一个由企业和先进技术主导的世界的后果。这部赛博朋克小说以 2076 年为背景,将我们带到了木星卫星之一木卫二上的一个采矿殖民地,在那里,人类和人造物体之间的界限在镜子和操纵的游戏中变得模糊。
安古洛·德·拉丰特巧妙地编织了一个结合了惊悚片、硬科幻小说和社会批判元素的情节。奥利维亚·邓恩(Olivia Dunne)作为一个神秘人物的引入为故事增添了一层层阴谋和浪漫,而关于殖民地及其居民的真实本质的揭露让读者始终处于期待状态。


Francisco Angulo
Madrid, 1976
Enthusiast of fantasy cinema and literature and a lifelong fan of Isaac Asimov and Stephen King, Angulo starts his literary career by submitting short stories to different contests. At 17 he finishes his first book - a collection of poems - and tries to publish it. Far from feeling intimidated by the discouraging responses from publishers, he decides to push ahead and tries even harder.
In 2006 he published his first novel "The Relic", a science fiction tale that was received with very positive reviews. In 2008 he presented "Ecofa" an essay on biofuels, whereAngulorecounts his experiences in the research project he works on. In 2009 he published "Kira and the Ice Storm".A difficultbut very productive year, in2010 he completed "Eco-fuel-FA",a science book in English. He also worked on several literary projects: "The Best of 2009-2010", "The Legend of Tarazashi 2009-2010", "The Sniffer 2010", "Destination Havana 2010-2011" and "Company No.12".
He currently works as director of research at the Ecofa project. Angulo is the developer of the first 2nd generation biofuel obtained from organic waste fed bacteria. He specialises in environmental issues and science-fiction novels.
His expertise in the scientific field is reflected in the innovations and technological advances he talks about in his books, almost prophesying what lies ahead, as Jules Verne didin his time.
Francisco Angulo
Gran aficionado al cine y a la literatura fantástica, seguidor de Asimov y de Stephen King, Comienza su andadura literaria presentando relatos cortos a diferentes certámenes. A los 17 años termina su primer libro, un poemario que intenta publicar sin éxito. Lejos de amedrentarse ante las respuestas desalentadoras de las editoriales, decide seguir adelante, trabajando con más ahínco.

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