Frank Hamilton Cushing

Outlines of Zuñi Creation Myths

Unveiling the Mystical World of Zuñi Creation Stories. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 223 Seiten
EAN 8596547668916
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Good Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In "Outlines of Zuv±i Creation Myths," Frank Hamilton Cushing embarks on an illuminating exploration of the intricate tapestry of Zuv±i cosmology. The book meticulously chronicles the creation myths of the Zuv±i people, employing both an ethnographic lens and a narrative style that captures the oral traditions of this Indigenous culture. Cushing'Äôs work intertwines anthropological insights with lyrical prose, illuminating the essential motifs of life, nature, and spirituality that permeate these myths while situating them within the broader landscape of Native American folklore and oral storytelling traditions. Frank Hamilton Cushing was a pioneering American anthropologist and ethnologist, notably associated with the American Museum of Natural History in the late 19th century. His extensive fieldwork among the Zuv±i tribe not only enriched his understanding of their culture but also imbued his writings with profound respect and genuine appreciation for their traditions. Cushing's passion for preserving native narratives and his commitment to cultural anthropology were instrumental in his dedication to documenting the spiritual life of the Zuv±i, influenced by his surroundings and a deep connection with the community. Readers interested in Indigenous studies, anthropology, and mythology will find "Outlines of Zuv±i Creation Myths" an indispensable text. Cushing'Äôs meticulous observations and engaging storytelling offer insight into the transformative power of myths and their role in forging communal identity. This book stands as a crucial contribution not only to the understanding of Zuv±i culture but also to the broader discourse on Native American narratives.

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