G. Scott Graham, Groot, Rocket, Andrea Scott Brown

SUP with your Pup: A Guide to Paddleboarding with your Dog

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798991050036
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller True Azimuth Coaching
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
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You wouldn't take your dog on a hike without a leash and proper training—so why would you put them on a paddleboard without the right preparation?
Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) with your dog is an incredible way to bond, explore nature, and create unforgettable memories. But without the proper training and safety measures, what seems like a peaceful adventure can quickly turn into a stressful or even dangerous situation.
In SUP with your Pup: A Guide to Paddleboarding with your Dog, author, paddleboarder, and dog lover G. Scott Graham delivers the essential roadmap to getting both you and your pup paddle-ready. Whether you're a seasoned paddler looking to introduce your dog to the board or a beginner seeking guidance, this book will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make every outing safe, fun, and rewarding.
Why This Book?
✓ Ensure Your Dog's Safety on the Water – Learn how to prevent accidents, handle emergencies, and keep your pup secure, even in unpredictable conditions.
✓ Train Your Dog for SUP Success – Go beyond basic obedience with specialized paddleboarding commands, balance training, and strategies to help your dog feel comfortable on the board.
✓ Master the Essential Skills – From reboarding after a fall to navigating waves and turns, you'll gain expert insights on how to paddle with confidence alongside your dog.
✓ Choose the Right Gear – Get expert recommendations on the best paddleboards, safety gear, and accessories to maximize comfort and stability for both you and your pup.
✓ Strengthen Your Bond – Build trust and teamwork with your dog while embarking on an exciting new adventure together.
Who Is This Book For?- Dog owners who want to safely introduce their pup to paddleboarding.- Stand-up paddleboarders looking to enhance their skills while paddling with a dog.- Outdoor adventurers who want to experience the water with their best friend—without unnecessary risks.
Paddleboarding with your dog isn't just about balance—it's about trust, preparation, and making every moment on the water enjoyable and stress-free.
If you're ready to share your SUP adventures with your pup the right way, SUP with your Pup is the ultimate guide to getting started.
Grab your copy today and start paddling with confidence!


G. Scott Graham is an author, a career coach, a business coach. and a psychedelic support coach in Boston, Massachusetts.
Scott is driven to help clients follow their "true azimuth," which is different from "true north." It means coaching clients to identify the true focus of their life — something that speaks individually to them. It means recognizing the forces that push our lives off course and adjusting to them so you get where you want to go. It means that when you are 90 years old and you look back on your life you have a sense of pride, accomplishment, and meaning — with no regrets.
When he is not coaching people to be their very best, Scott manages a non-profit farm animal rescue. Scott participates in Tough Mudders, teaches Sun 73 Tai Chi, stand-up paddleboards with his dogs Groot and Rocket, and goes camping at State Parks throughout New England as much as possible. His daily spiritual practice focuses on anapanasati, vipassana, and metta-bhavana meditation. Scott believes service is vital to a life well-lived: he volunteers as an EMT Instructor, as a Firefighter, and as a Master Gardener in his community.
In his "free time," he writes books.

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