Gabbo de la Parra

Another Dawn On Planet X

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311000755
EAN 9781311000750
Veröffentlicht Januar 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Gabbo de la Parra
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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More than a standard year ago, Darien Muselet, left Colvis (a.k.a. Planet X) to save it from the greedy hands of his father and the High Council of the Cygnus Federation. When Darien set foot on this seemingly deserted planet, fresh from Space Academy and as commander of an archeological expedition, he thought it would be only a lonely but interesting ten-year assignment since the temple complexes were every archeologist wet dream.
Well, the planet was supposed to have a "curse," but Darien wasn't just a navy captain and an archeologist, he was also a realist, so he wasn't that concerned about it. Little did he know that there was no curse, but Planet X did have something, and it was a hunk of a Guardian by the name of Kekoa Wana'ao.
And Darien was destined to be the Guardian's mate.
Now with their love half-fulfilled and separated from each other, Darien has been sent on a rescue mission by the Federation to Nova Gaia, a planet affected by a dust plague.
Alaric Aquinas and Sule Sarong were some of the few survivors of this dust plague, which decimated their planet and left them without families, waiting for a Federation that was taking forever to come to their aid. Alaric was prone to find himself in dangerous situations, and Sule was always there to give him a helping hand without revealing his identity. Alaric only recognized him by his gas mask with very specific marks.
That gas mask kept Alaric fantasizing about his silent, faceless savior in very graphic and detailed terms, until fate decided to give them a change to be face-to-face.
Help finally came, and, on the way to their new home, the rescue ships were attacked by an unknown force. Sule and Alaric ended up in an escape pod with their ship's captain Darien Muselet.
From there on, their stories, Darien and Kekoa's and Alaric and Sule's, intertwine as they fight to save Planet X from the rotten hands of the Cygnus Federation, and reach their deserved happy endings.
This is the mash-up resolution of "Darkest Before Dawn (The Masked Man Serenade)" and "How I Lost It On Planet X," better known as "From Nova To X."
Readers beware this intergalactic mash-up contains sexy man-on-man foreplay and fan-your-self intercourse descriptions. For adults only.


Born a Sagittarius in the fabulous year of the Rooster of '69, at the hour when his cat was about to become a complete dragon, Gabbo de la Parra landed on the Caribbean Coast of the outlandish Republic of Panama to start the adventure of life.
Love and the Internet brought him to Middle Tennessee to embrace the American Dream and his husbandly romance. Writing has been an important part of his life since a very early age, and it's a pleasure to share his stories with others thanks to the wonderful opportunities this land provides. His main genres are Historical and Sci-Fi, and he's been combining both lately. Still he dabbles in all genres that embrace hot guys and their search for Love in the most descriptive ways possible.
Close to a man-made lake and in a townhouse (crowded with the spirits of his novels' characters), Gabbo cherishes Life with a southern gentleman, and their pets: street-smart Russian Blue Bella and rambunctious Rottweiler Alex.

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