Gabrielle Union, Dwyane Wade

Shady Baby (Ukrainian Edition)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 4 bis 8 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0063322420
EAN 9780063322424
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Darya Peipon, Larysa Tsilyk
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Translated by Dasha Peipon, writer, editor and teacher, who's originally from Ukraine, and Larysa Tsilyk, a Ukrainian poet, HarperCollins Children's Books is happy to make available in ebook format this picture book in the Ukrainian language for no charge in the hopes that it will bring joy to displaced Ukrainian children and their families.
Shady Baby keeps it real in this picture book collaboration by New York Times bestselling duo actress and producer Gabrielle Union and NBA superstar and businessman Dwyane Wade.
Based on their famous baby girl, Kaavia James:
After a long morning of being fabulous, Shady Baby heads to the park for a relaxing play session. But what does she find?! Some not-so-nice kids picking on others.
Shady flashes them a look—her famous side eye—and teaches them that it's better to play nice. But when her feelings are hurt, will anyone stand (or crawl) by her side?
Find out in this upbeat picture book that teaches kids to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in. Perfect for fans of The Boss Baby and Feminist Baby!


Gabrielle Union is an actress, executive producer, activist, best-selling author and most recently, a Time100 cover honoree. Union formed her production shingle “I'll Have Another” in 2018 with the goal of telling stories that center marginalized communities with their specific point of views in an authentic manner. In August of 2020, she relaunched her haircare brand “Flawless by Gabrielle Union” for women with textured hair. The new and improved collection includes an array of options, affordably priced between $4 - $10, that empowers consumers to customize a regimen specific to their texture and style preferences. Prior to relaunching Flawless, Union learned of the disparities in the food space and joined Bitsy's as a cofounder with the goal of making healthy, allergen- friendly, school-safe snacks that are accessible and affordable for all families regardless of their socioeconomic or geographical status. Her first book, We're Going To Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated and True, was released in 2017 and instantly became a New York Times best seller. Union serves as a leader and advocate for inclusion in the entertainment industry. She is also a champion of breast health and combating sexual violence.

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