Gars Méchant

Raven and June: Volume 1, Episode 1

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370358628
EAN 9781370358625
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Gars Méchant
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

June thinks her life is going great. She has a great job as an engineer at a good company. Her husband, Ron, makes great money at a local accounting firm where he has a strong future. They have a good relationship, and everything is looking very predictable.
Then at Ron's company Holiday party, June meets his beautiful, exotic, and mysterious co-worker who everyone calls Raven. What June sees next in the bedrooms of her husband's bosses home is something she will never forget!
This is the first episode of the first volume in the novel "Raven and June."


Gars Méchant is an erotic story author that has been publishing stories for about 20 years for free online, following a period of roughly 10 years of writing junk that he wouldn't even publish for free on Usenet anonymously.
Now that he is mostly done with exclusively publishing erotic short stories for free, he published his first four books toward the end of 2015: "Educating Goldilocks", "Extra Credit", "Waking Sleeping Beauty: A Novelette", and "Tired". He published the short story "Oops!" at the beginning of 2016.
In September of 2016, he published the first volume of "Raven & June" in five short books, and the first two novels of his "They Said..." series, "They Said: The Dare," "They Said: Way Off Broadway", and "They Said: The Missing File." Each of the books of this series has two stories covering the same events told from the perspective of two different participants. Another work connected to "They Said: Way Off Broadway" but not part of the "They Said..." series, is "Football Widows," the story of two women who let their husbands watch football at home while they go out for lunch, and a special dessert with other men!
After those books, Mr. Méchant expects to start work on a new book about the reorganization of a couple of marriages in a novel tentatively titled "Seams", the second in his "Vegas Cameltoe Brigade" novels tentatively titled "On The Rocks," possibly the next book in the "Goldilocks" series, and finally a new trilogy of erotic horror novels that is currently untitled. He reserves the right to do these in any order, or to add in other works not listed here. ;)
He is often thought of as being an extremely nice guy, whom you would never, and I mean never, expect to write this kind of erotic fiction. He is a firm believer (and good example) of the saying "It;s always the ones you don't expect."

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