Garth Chandler

Masks and Demons

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0994703007
EAN 9780994703002
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Garth Chandler
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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One hundred and sixty years ago, two warring Southern African tribes became unwitting surrogates in a battle between powerful spirits. Tribesmen managed to trap the evil demon, but when a group of present-day students release the imprisoned spirit, dark, comic misadventure reigns as the battle is renewed from the South African veldt to the spirit world where the demons dwell.
The Boipakeng tribe had no idea that consulting the witch would embroil them and their enemies, the Batlhaping, in the forefront of an ancient supernatural war. All seemed lost when the guardian spirit was defeated, but, through an unwelcome alliance with the white man, the Batlhaping managed to imprison the evil spirit, called a 'tokoloshe'. For many decades of the guardians have kept the location of the prison secret, but when blundering students dig up an artefact hidden in a sealed and secret room, the demon is freed. The students must now ally with the guardians of the veldt to find and finally rid the world of the evil. Across the veldt and into the labyrinth of the underworld they encounter a supernatural cast of mysterious witches, fantastic beasts, mythical legends and powerful talismans in a blend of dark comedy, fantasy-adventure and horror that would appeal to fans of Terry Pratchett and Tom Holt.


Garth Chandler has been lurking around since 1970. He is South African, is married with a daughter, holds an Honours degree in psychology a Bachelors in IT Management. Interests include Theology, manufacturing board games and graphic novels. He is an internationally qualified martial arts instructor, but perversely enjoys wearing a white belt to give the casual observer a false sense of security.

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