Gene Clements

Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX (1) - Is That Your Thigh I'm Squeezing? (Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX - Coming of Age in South Branch, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 131072802X
EAN 9781310728020
Veröffentlicht Juni 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Gene Clements
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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If you've read any of the short stories in the Tilly and Elmer series, you may have wondered how much more adventuresome Tilly and Elmer must have been as teenagers. Now it can be revealed! In the Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX series, our favorite sexagenarians describe, in sometimes hilarious and sometimes scandalous detail, their slow motion coming of age in the Midwest in the early sixties. From their clumsy first date to the first time they go "all the way" (on the second try), you'll gasp at Elmer's inexperience, smile at Tilly's (real or faked?) innocence, and perhaps shed a tear of empathy at the blundering beauty of their first time.
Book 1, Is that your Thigh I'm Squeezing?, recounts the beginning of their relationship, from Elmer's furtive examination of Tilly's anatomy to the miscommunication surrounding the conclusion of their first date. It must have worked out though; they are still teasing each other about the legendary events of that first date fifty years later.
September 29, 1961
The phone call:
"This is Mrs. Williams. Would you like to speak with Tilly?"
"Um, yes. It's Elmer Talbot. Is Tilly there?"
Elmer heard Tilly's mom call out, away from the phone. "Tilly, it's Elmer Talbot."
While he waited, Elmer considered how a bug must feel when it's about to be squashed. The huge foot descending, blocking out the sky, coming closer and closer ...
"Hello Elmer!"
"Hello Tilly, it's Elmer."
"I know silly! How are you?"
"Want to go to the movies Saturday night?"
"You know I want to go to the movies Saturday night, Elmer. Thank you for asking!"
One second passed in silence as Elmer began to breathe again.
Another second of silence passed as a huge weight ascended from Elmer's shoulders.
There was no sound for another second as Elmer realized he actually WAS the greatest stud west of the Mississippi.
Elmer smiled quietly as he imagined Tilly at his feet, reaching up pleadingly while clinging to his thigh. "Make love to me!" she begged. He gently removed the last of her clothing and laid her across the soft rug in front of the fire. The warm, flickering light illuminated her naked...
"Yes?" Elmer replied in a voice that sounded slightly deeper than before.
"You ARE asking me to go WITH you, aren't you Elmer?"
"Of course. How about if I pick you up at 6:30?"
"OK, that will be fun."
"I hope so. Bye."
"See you then."


Gene Clements is an artist, architect, and educator. He began the Tilly and Elmer series by writing a couple of paragraphs about a frisky older couple. His friends thought they were funny and wanted to find out what was going to happen if he finished the story. Now they know, for better or worse.
Gene grew up in a small town in the Midwest although he now lives in California. He thinks he's eighteen, but he's really the same age as Tilly and Elmer. These stories aren't necessarily autobiographical. Gene knows a lot of interesting people and has a prolific imagination; a dangerous combination.

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