Geoffrey T Williams

Hero of Cape Lonely Light

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 16 Seiten
ISBN 1458154238
EAN 9781458154231
Veröffentlicht Juni 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Geoffrey T Williams
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The Cape Lonely lighthouse in Fortunate Bay is a brilliant beacon of hope for sailors and their sailing ships. But had they ever faced a storm this fierce, this dangerous, or this deadly?
How can the old lighthouse keeper and his extraordinary cat help the schooner Reliant as it struggles to keep from smashing to pieces on the treacherous rocks and cliffs that surround the bay? And when the youngest seaman is washed overboard, will they get him in time?
This is a story of danger and destruction on the high seas, a dramatic tale of hope, loss, and redemption. You won't want to miss a moment of Cap'n and Ol' Tom's epic adventure. And you can decide for yourself who the true hero of Cape Lonely Light is.


My love of science started when my geologist father told me a rock I had found in the back yard of our Wyoming house was a dinosaur bone. Fast-forward some years, and I wrote a short book called "Dinosaur World" and produced the cassette tape that went along with it. Thanks to a small publishing company named Price Stern Sloan, the book and tape went "viral," selling tens of thousands of copies in just a few months. That success led to the other Dinosaur World volumes, which eventually sold more than eight million copies. From that I branched out to write about other sciences I loved, including astronomy and space travel, entomology, oceanography, etc. And since I love producing audio, almost all the books included cassette tapes, and later, CDs.

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