Geoffroy Monde


The F*cked-Up Fairy Tale of a Fed-Up Princess. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
EAN 9798887076508
Veröffentlicht 18. März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Abrams ComicArts

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An irreverent, darkly funny, feminist spin on the legend of King Arthur focusing on his runaway daughter, Ysabelle. Perfect for fans of Disenchantment.
King Arthur, Britain's most legendary hero, is now an old drunkard who spends his days slouched on his throne. He owes his former glory to the magic sword Excalibur, which the wizard Merlin forged for him in order to slay the hordes of demons who came to invade the kingdom of Pendragon. That incredible weapon now collects dust-and suffers from a bad case of boredom.
Meanwhile, Arthur's daughter, Princess Ysabelle, is wondering how to flee the marriage her father has arranged with the vile Baron Cumber. Desperate for something different and better, Ysabelle and her father's sword join hands and set off on a quest to change their fates.
But although Ysabelle is brave, she's never ventured outside before-and the real world is much harsher than life within the palace walls. In order to survive and accomplish her quest, she must rely on Excalibur, as her father did before her. But Excalibur's intentions may not be as noble as they seem . . .


Geoffroy Monde is an author and illustrator from Lyon, France. He uses the absurd to highlight how flimsy our perception of "reality" can be. Some of his French graphic novels include the critically acclaimed De rien (Delcourt, 2016) and Poussière (Delcourt, 2018). Fierce is the third full length graphic novel he has written, and his first published in English. Matthew Burniat is a cartoonist, animator, designer and illustrator from Brussels, Belgium. He is a rising star cartoonist, whose works include titles such as Shrimp (Dargaud, 2012), La Passion de Dodin-Bouffant in 2014 (Dargaud, 2014; Dodin-Bouffant: Gourmet Extraordinaire, Europe Comics, 2017), and the bestselling Le Mystère du monde quantique (Dargaud, 2016; which was published by Penguin in English as Mysteries of the Quantum Universe).

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