Ginny Stacey, Sally Fowler

Gaining Knowledge and Skills with Dyslexia and other SpLDs

ebook Ausgabe. 41 farbige Abbildungen, 10 farbige Fotos, 31 farbige Zeichnungen. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 632 Seiten
ISBN 1315461110
EAN 9781315461113
Veröffentlicht April 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis

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Gaining Knowledge and Skills With Dyslexia and other SpLDs is a comprehensive manual which lays the foundation for skilling those with dyslexic/ SpLD, so that they can be autonomous, confident people, who can use their full potential.


Ginny Stacey did not realise she was dyslexic until her mid-20s. The challenge of learning to play classical guitar helped her to understand how her dyslexic mind works. Committed to helping other dyslexics achieve their potential, she developed a range of highly effective techniques for supporting dyslexic students in studying all subjects and coping with life in general. The techniques are widely used in universities and colleges. She has become a nationally-recognised expert in the field.
Sally Fowler stepped into the dyslexic world in her late 40s. It was a revelation to see the impacts of her dyslexia clearly. She became an approved teacher for the British Dyslexia Association with an M.A. in special education. She taught dyslexics, both children in schools and students at university. In Oxford, she met Ginny Stacey: the collaboration of two dyslexic minds has brought a wealth of experience to the Living Confidently with Specific Learning Difficulties series.

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