Giovanni Amato

The art of loving for men: Love, Relationships, and Women (Art of Seduction, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230578246
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Pablo Spataro
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,99 inkl. MwSt.
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What You Were Never Taught About Love
We all need to love and be loved, yet no one teaches us how to handle our emotions and feelings when love enters our lives. This lack of understanding often leads to unnecessary suffering, misunderstandings, and mistakes that could have been avoided with a better grasp of what love truly means.
"The Art of Loving for Men" is not just another book about relationships. Here, you will learn the fundamental principles of love and how this powerful emotion uniquely impacts men. Its goal is to help you better manage your emotions, make more conscious decisions, and ultimately prevent love from becoming a problem instead of a source of happiness.
This Book Is for You If...
✔️ You've suffered in love, and past relationships have left a mark on you.
✔️ You can't get over your ex and feel stuck in the past.
✔️ You feel like you were never truly valued as you deserved.
✔️ You tend to fall into toxic relationships without realizing it.
✔️ You believe you have "bad luck" in love.
✔️ You want to learn how love really works and how it shapes your life.
What You'll Discover in This Book:
✅ The foundations of love and why we all seek it.
✅ How men and women love differently (and how understanding this will save you a lot of pain).
✅ The most common reasons relationships fail—and how to avoid them.
✅ How to identify and leave a toxic relationship before it's too late.
✅ The psychological profiles most likely to be toxic (so you can recognize and avoid them).
✅ The key principles for choosing a compatible partner and building healthy relationships.
✅ How to better manage your emotions and feelings so that love works for you, not against you.
If any of this resonates with you, don't keep making the same mistakes. It's time to understand love from a new perspective and learn how to build healthier relationships—whether they last a lifetime or just a moment.


Giovanni Amato es mucho más que un escritor; es un guía apasionado en el viaje del desarrollo personal y las relaciones humanas. Reconocido como autor Best Seller por su impactante libro "Mentalidad Seductora: Atrae, Seduce y Conquista", traducido a más de 4 idiomas y adquirido por miles de personas en todo el mundo, Giovanni ha dejado una huella profunda en el ámbito de la auto-superación.
Con su obra también aclamada "De Tímido a Seductor: Seducción, Habilidades Sociales y Desarrollo Personal", Giovanni se ha consolidado como un referente en el campo de las relaciones personales. Su enfoque radica en desbloquear el potencial humano, ofreciendo herramientas prácticas y perspectivas inspiradoras para alcanzar el éxito en la vida y en las relaciones.
Viajero incansable en la búsqueda del conocimiento y la experiencia, Giovanni no solo comparte su sabiduría a través de sus libros, sino que también se dedica a guiar a hombres hacia una vida más plena y exitosa. Su visión va más allá de la mera seducción; busca inspirar a otros a explorar su verdadero potencial y a construir relaciones significativas y auténticas.
Con un estilo directo y motivador, Giovanni Amato te invita a embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento personal. Únete a él en este emocionante viaje hacia una vida más plena y satisfactoria.

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