Gordon Merrick

The Peter & Charlie Trilogy

The Lord Won't Mind, One for the Gods, and Forth into Light. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1005 Seiten
ISBN 1504048946
EAN 9781504048941
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Open Road Media
20,32 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A passionate love story unfolds between two young men in the 1930s in this "wildly sexy" New York Times bestseller and its two sequels (The Advocate).
The Peter & Charlie Trilogy-with its explicit sex scenes and positive affirmation of coming out-is "one of gaydom's great guilty pleasures" (The Advocate). All three groundbreaking works of gay fiction are collected here, including The Lord Won't Mind, which stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for sixteen weeks.
The Lord Won't Mind: Charlie Mills wants to be a good boy. That way, his grandmother will give him all the gifts and money he could want. But remaining in her good graces as he heads off to college means finding a nice girl to marry. He wasn't counting on Peter Martin stepping off a train and into his life. The passion between the two men is undeniable, yet making it last will come at a great price-and there are those who will do anything to make them pay.
One for the Gods: It's ten years later, and Peter and Charlie are shipping off to the sunny Mediterranean for a little business and a lot of pleasure. While traveling from Saint-Tropez to Athens to Mykonos, they meet a sexy French playboy who's eager to make waves. Suddenly, Peter and Charlie find themselves on a voyage of self-discovery that could change their relationship forever.
Forth Into the Light: It's no surprise Peter and Charlie-two men with the looks of Adonis and Narcissus-have chosen a Greek island for their home. But their lives are far from tranquil: The village is rampant with deceit and lust; beguiling Martha is plotting to steal Charlie away from Peter; and passionate, young Jeff repeatedly tests the couple's fidelity. The tale of Peter and Charlie's love has spanned years and the globe, but it could all come to a crashing end on these lush shores.


Gordon Merrick (1916-1988) was an actor, television writer, and journalist. Merrick was one of the first authors to write about gay themes for a mass audience. He wrote fourteen books, including the beloved Peter & Charlie Trilogy. The Lord Won't Mind spent four months on the New York Times bestseller list in 1970. Merrick's posthumously published novel The Good Life, coauthored with his partner, Charles G. Hulse, was a bestseller as well. Merrick died in Sri Lanka.

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