Grace Timothy

Is It My ADHD?

Navigating life as a neurodivergent adult. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 400 Seiten
ISBN 1805462482
EAN 9781805462484
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Allen & Unwin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Darkly funny, relatable and unflinchingly honest, Is it My ADHD? gives irreverent and intersectional insight into what life is like for women living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Much like the 3-4% of the British population with ADHD, Grace Timothy always felt on the outskirts of 'normal'. After a lifetime of mental and physical symptoms that didn't quite add up, she was finally diagnosed in 2021.
At the time, information was scant. Now, neurodivergence is the hot topic on everyone's lips. With this increased awareness, we've encountered a new challenge: how can we circumnavigate the misinformation and better understand our own brains?
Writer and podcaster Grace Timothy speaks to those living with ADHD to explore traits specific to women, grounding each chapter in clinical research and expert commentary. Offering comfort and real, triedand-tested tips along the way, this book is for anyone who's ever wondered, is it my ADHD?


Grace Timothy is a lifestyle writer who has previously contributed to Vogue, Glamour, Sunday Times Style, Grazia, Red and Stylist, and now freelances from her home in Sussex. Grace is also a brand consultant specialising in fashion, beauty and helping companies better support neurodivergent customers and staff, and the host of the Is It My ADHD podcast. Since being diagnosed with ADHD in 2021, she has been on a mission to spread awareness of the true lived experience of ADHD in women and non-binary people, in whom ADHD is so often missed, thanks to the fact that the diagnostic criteria and research is so heavily skewed to the white male case study.

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